Since January 1, 2019, numerous changes to the Tax Code and other laws of the Russian Federation have become effective. The most debatable among them are VAT rate increases and changes in the procedure of pension assignment and payments, but one should not forget about other innovations.
Paperless statements
Accounting (financial) statements for 2018 may be executed both on paper and in the form of an e-document certified by an electronic digital signature. These amendments were introduced to the law "On Accounting" in November 2018.
However, in case the legislation of the Russian Federation or any agreement require submission of accounting (financial) statements to another person or state authority on paper, the entity shall at the request of another person or state authority and at its own expense make paper copies of accounting (financial) statements executed as e-documents.
Thus, as a general rule, organizations are allowed not to print out accounting statements.
However, there are cases when organizations still have to execute original accounting (financial) statements on paper.
For example, during the audit, because in the Russian Federation the auditor’s report is issued for accounting (financial) statements, which are executed on paper (accounting (financial) statements are an integral part of the report).
Submission of statements
Starting from 2020 (thus, we are talking about the final documentation for 2019), organizations will be required to submit reports not to statistical authorities, but to the tax authorities at the place of registration (with some exceptions) in the form of e-documents certified by the e-signature via telecommunication channels. In case of mandatory audit, the auditor’s report shall also be submitted to the tax authority.
Submission terms for the auditor’s report (in case financial statements are subject to mandatory audit) remain the same: within 10 days from the date following the date of the auditor’s report, but not later than 31 December of the year following the reporting year.
Thus, the obligation to submit statements and auditor’s reports to the tax authorities is reintroduced. As all organizations are required to submit VAT returns exclusively in e-form, those organizations that apply the general taxation system have their telecommunication channels already set up for submission of statements to the tax authorities, and therefore, no further difficulties with the said changes should arise.
Due to the submission of auditor’s reports directly to the tax authorities, tax officers may strengthen their control, for example, in case of submission of the auditor’s report with a modified opinion on the accuracy of statements.
New forms, old rules
Modification of report forms has become a traditional New Year change:
"Child" allowances: minimum and maximum
In 2019, minimum and maximum amounts of "child" allowances will be as follows:
The final amount of allowance will be known after indexation as of February 1, 2019.
There is a limit to everything, including insurance premiums
The limit base for insurance premiums has also increased, and since January 1, 2019, amounts as follows:
Insurance premiums payable to the Medical Insurance Fund shall be calculated on all earnings of the employee.
It should be noted that since January 1, 2019, the rates of insurance premiums for pension insurance in the amount of 22% within the limit base for insurance premiums and 10% in case of its excess has become constant due to the revision of the provisions of Article 425 and the abolition of the provisions of Article 426 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
New obligations and new penalties
Since January 16, 2019, amendments to the law “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” has become effective, and according thereto the inviting party (employer) shall ensure compliance with the rules of stay (residence) in the Russian Federation by the invited foreign citizen, namely: