In November 2014, the law on controlled foreign companies, which was the target for criticism, discussions, comments and etc., was adopted. The Ministry of Finance tried as much as possible to clarify certain urgent matters arising among taxpayers.
In particular, there were two controversial explanations given on the matter of procedures for recognizing an individual a tax resident of the Russian Federation for the purposes of filing notification on the participation in companies and structures. In accordance with explanations of the Russian Federal Tax Service, individual may be recognized a tax resident of the Russian Federation in three cases:
1. If individual stayed in the Russian Federation for less than 183 days during the period from January 1 until December 31 of the calendar year.
2. If individual has permanent home in the Russian Federation.
3. If individual’s center of vital interests is in the Russian Federation.
In its turn, the Russian Ministry of Finance gave the following explanation: for the purposes of filing notification on participation in companies and structures, tax residency is defined in accordance with the number of days spent by individual in the Russian Federation as of the date obligation to file notification arises.
Also, there were three controversial letters issued regarding the possibility for calculating profit of CFC on the basis of financial statement subject to voluntary (proactive) instead of mandatory audit (provided other requirements are followed):
1. Procedures and deadlines for submission of notifications on participation in foreign organizations (bodies of foreign structures without formation of a legal entity) (hereinafter, the "Notification on Participation").
In particular, they will not include those participating in the CFC through Russian public companies. "Due to the transparency of statements and activity" of public companies, acknowledgement of "high-ranking" parties as controlling foreign subsidiaries after full disclosure of information is unreasonable, reads the explanation note.
Acknowledgement of the managing party of the foreign investment fund (unit fund or other form of collective investments) a tax resident of the Russian Federation, as well as the fact of performance by such managing party of activity related to management of assets of such fund (company) in the territory of the Russian Federation per se do not constitute grounds for recognizing such fund (company) as controlled foreign company, for which the said managing party is the controlling party.
Profit of the CFC may be calculated on the basis of its financial statement provided one of the following terms is observed:
1. Permanent location of the CFC is a foreign state, which has an international treaty on taxation executed with the Russian Federation, except states (territories), which do not exchange information with the Russian Federation for taxation purposes;
2. Auditor’s report for the report financial period does not contain negative opinion or rejection of opinion expression. However, it is allowed to use results of both mandatory and voluntary audit of the said statement. Thus, procedure for calculation of retained profit of the CFC is significantly simplified in most cases.
Income of a taxpayer being a controlling party in form of dividends received following the allocation of profit of the CFC is exempted of taxes provided such profit was specified by the taxpayer in tax returns in form 3-NDFL subject to supporting documents. Please, be aware that previously the Ministry of Finance issued explanation stating the following: the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not have provisions on tax exemption for dividends paid from the profit of the CFC subject to taxation on behalf of the controlling party. This issue will be analyzed in course of improvement of the tax law of the Russian Federation. Thus, the existing problem of double taxation of income of a taxpayer being a controlling party is eliminated.
It is proposed to extend discount on tax-exempt liquidation of a foreign organization (termination of a structure without formation of a legal entity) until January 1, 2018. However, if decision on liquidation of the CFC is made prior January 1, 2017, but liquidation procedure cannot be completed until January 1, 2018 due to limitations set forth in the personal law of the CFC or due to CFC participation in court proceedings, provisions on tax-exempt liquidation will apply until termination of such limitations or court proceedings.
Individual being a controlling party does not have income in form of material benefit, in case of acquisition from the CFC of securities at their documented cost registered by the CFC, if in respect of such CFC decision on liquidation is made and liquidation procedure is completed until January 1, 2018 (in some cases this period may be extended). In case of further sale of such securities, the received income may be decreased by the amount of de facto made expenses defined as the cost of such securities as of the date of transfer of title to the said securities, but not exceeding their market value as of such date.
Thus, additional opportunities for business restructuring are granted.
Also, the said draft law introduces separate amendments, which eliminate inaccuracies revealed during the first months of validity of new taxation rules for the profit of the controlled foreign company, and are intended to neutralize some existing opportunities for the avoidance of Russian taxation rules. In particular: