The principle of "Substance over Legal Form" has a central meaning to the accurate representation and reliability of information held in the financial statements. It allows tax authorities to ignore the legal form of an arrangement and look into what actually happened. The aim is to prevent artificial structures from being used for tax evision purposes. In order for a company to enjoy the preferential tax treatment of its jurisdiction, it must comply with the requirements on tax presence imposed by local tax authorities. These requirements may vary from country to country, however, if analysed, they are all focused on economic substance: there must be substance of company structure and substance of the transactions it makes.
The real substance of the structure is a total sum of several factors that make the company/the transaction ‘real’ and prove its physical presence (its office, its director, its employees) / its economic purpose (that has answers to the following questions: why was this transaction made? how did the parties benefit from it? was the transaction unnecessarily complicated?).
Korpus Prava is equipped to provide services in ensuring real presence and support for company activities in Cyprus.
We offer the following services in setting a Real Office: